Tag: blog

  • 2010 in review

    I doubt you’ve missed me, but I’ve spent the last month backpacking around Cambodia (I shall blog about that soon) I received an email from WordPress a few days ago summarizing my blog for 2010 (below), but upon further investigation what I found interesting was that my page impressions remained the same even when I…

  • New Blog Icon Website

    OK I admit it’s nothing groundbreaking, but I just threw up a new Blog Icon website using Rapidweaver, took about 3hrs to knock up, most of which time was compiling the emails and comments I’d had from users that are using the blog icon. in case you have no idea what I’m on about, there…

  • Most Blogs Ever Written Guinness Book of Records

    Darren Murph from Engadget awarded the Guinness Book of Records title of Most Prolific Professional Blogger, having written 17,212 individual posts (since surpassed). He’s probably written more posts in the past two weeks, than I have in the past two years! more info here

  • I Guess The World Needs a Universal Blog Icon After All

    Wow! I created a blog icon a few months ago and uploaded it to the web, then sort of forgot about it, but I was looking at the site stats yesterday and noticed that on average 20 people a day download the blog icon artwork… OK not exactly a huge number, but that’s still over…

  • Standard Blog Icon

    As they say the great things about standards, is that there’s so many to choose from ; ) With the prevalence of blogging you’d think someone would have come up with a standard icon for blogs by now, well apparently not. A few months ago I was mulling over the idea that there isn’t a…

  • Trust Me, I’m a Blogger

    While taking a break from my hectic morning schedule of making myself a cup of tea & finding some clean socks to wear I thought I’d check in and see what little bread crumbs my fellow Twits had left for me. Sure enough there were plenty, but one from Jaculynn stood out more than most…

  • How To Make People Read My Blog

    In a follow up from my “nobody reads my blog” post (which ironically is now my second most read individual post!?!?), I recently posted on the triiibes forum where a member was asking a question along the lines of “how to write a blog that someone will read?” well the answer is easy, don’t write…

  • Nobody Reads My Blog

    I think my staff are trying to tell me something with my Secret Santa present this year!? So I thought I’d share this photo between the two or us! Of course if they were really trying to help, they could of added my URL underneath.

  • Networking or Not Working

    In today’s 24/7 wired world of social networks, web 2.0 & mobile platforms, if you’re business is not networking then you’re not working! Do you have a group or page on a social network such as Facebook? Do you have a Twitter account? Do you have a Blog? Do you have a YouTube Channel? Do…