Tag: Amusing
Laugh (cry?) Now
I just stumbled across these images on Beau Bo D’Or’s blog… genius! He has loads of great stuff on his blog so have a look
Why Take The Bus When You Can Moon Walk?
This video, filmed over the course of 15 months, depicts a man doing some bus stop dancing while waiting for public transport. During the video, the man shows off his best Michael Jackson moves to the world. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW1gHwiZJFg]
Fun Feels Good
I saw this on Jodi’s Blog the other day and thought what a brilliant way of showing how approaching an issue in a new or fun way can have terrific results by engaging the user in a visceral experience (see Anne’s blog for more on that). What’s also interesting is that this is entirely a…
Poodle Doodles
I was having dinner with friends last night when one of them asked if I’d seen the images of Poodles below (yes these are all Poodles). I thought maybe it was the affect of two bottles of red that had made this appear so funny last night, but au contraire, looking at it again this…
Poodle Doodles
I was having dinner with friends last night when one of them asked if I’d seen the images of Poodles below (yes these are all Poodles). I thought maybe it was the affect of two bottles of red that had made this appear so funny last night, but au contraire, looking at it again this…
You talkin’ da me?
Have a meeting you need to get out of? Want to show off your new mobile or ring tone? Need to convince people that not only your mother & call centres have your mobile number? Have a blind date you just might need rescuing from? Or simply low self esteem & just want someone to…
This is How We Roll in India
I saw this clip the other day on Top Gear, if you’ve not seen it, then get ready to be impressed! impressed by shear stupidity!! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klteYv1Uv9A]