Tag: Amazon

  • eBooks Outselling Paperbacks

    Last week Amazon announced that it is now selling more eBooks than paperbacks (already 3x as many hardbacks). Amazon predicted this would happen in Q2 of 2011, but sales are obviously wildly beyond Amazon’s own predictions! Amazon.com is now selling more Kindle books than paperback books. Since the beginning of the year, for every 100…

  • James Bond Novels Go Digital

    It’s not the only time this has happened in recent months, but this time it’s a high profile brand, James Bond. The Ian Fleming estate has announced that it are releasing all 18 Bond titles as eBooks this week on Amazon and Waterstones, but they won’t be released through their current print publisher Penguin (as…

  • NookColor will it become the Netbook of eReaders

    The rumours were correct Barnes and Noble just unveiled the NookColor, a 7′ 1024×600 coloured LCD touchscreen, Wifi (no 3G)… I won’t go into the full specs, there’s plenty of websites that have that covered. So how successful will it be? only time will tell, but with the addition of their Nook Kids platform, which…