Tag: Adobe
Fotoshop by Adobé
This is a genius piece of self promotion by Jesse Rosten “pro-pixel intensifying fauxtanical hydro-jargon micro bead extract infused with nutrive volumizing technology will leave your face virtually unrecognisable… My skin feels like plastic!” thanks to Unionversity for posting this first
Digital Adverts More Effective Than Static Print Adverts
No real surprises there, but it’s good to have some data to back up the claim… Now here’s a title that just rolls off the tongue! Digital Ad Engagement: Perceived Interactivity as a Driver of Advertising Effectiveness snappy eh? Apart from the title, the PDF is worth a read (if you’re into advertising and marketing…
We ? Adobe
As Adobe & Apple slug it out over the Flash plug, arguing who is more “Open” I stumbled across something today that made me smile. A week ago Adobe placed Ad’s in the broadsheets in the US saying they Love Apple, and that they love choice… but I really smiled when someone, somewhere out there…