Tag: social media
ID Gator™ Calling all Beta Testers
ID Gator™ is calling for Beta Testers, if you’re interested then drop them a line with a subject title along the lines of “I want to be a guinea pig” to betatesters@idgator.com
The Dalai Lama on Twitter… Nope, just a case of Brand Jacking
Within 24hrs of announcing his Twitter account, the Dalai Lama has amassed 13,450 followers… Surely that must have set a new Twitter record! Why choose Twitter: “His Holiness thought it was prudent to make his office open and assessable to a more youth and technologically advancing audience.” So now there really is no excuses for…
Twitter vs Facebook
Here‘s an terrific post asking the question, “Twitter vs Facebook: Should you choose one?” I recommend reading the whole post, plus some of the comments make interesting reading as well, here’s the posts conclusion: In the end, both Twitter and Facebook are simply communication tools; both will continue to evolve and morph as users find…
Millenial Marketing
I’ll admit that I don’t look at my blog stats very often (probably a good thing!), but when I reviewed my incoming links this morning one in particular stood out. It was from a site named Millenial Marketing by Carol Philips. So I hopped over there to see why I got the click throughs. Carol…
Trust Me, I’m a Blogger
While taking a break from my hectic morning schedule of making myself a cup of tea & finding some clean socks to wear I thought I’d check in and see what little bread crumbs my fellow Twits had left for me. Sure enough there were plenty, but one from Jaculynn stood out more than most…
Your Identity Matters!
There are those that label a personal domain name as a vanity domain, but I disagree… having a personalised number plate is vanity, owning a personalised URL is foresight… what’s the difference? I’ll give you an example. In an interview, a young woman of 16 said, I want to more famous than Persil Automatic, that…
Time for Facebook to Face the Facts
Nick Burcher added a post on his blog about Facebook Usage Statistics for 2008 which made me think about something I mentioned a few weeks ago, as I noticed within Facebook’s top 21 only India & Hong Kong appear for the whole of Asia! Where’s China, Japan, Indonesia etc? Nick’s stats are interesting, but they’re…
How many SMS messages will be sent on New Years Eve 2008/9
On New Years Eve 2008, an estimated 43 billion SMS messages where sent globally! Which was up 30% on 2007, but the rise wasn’t evenly spread… Portugal tripled and The Netherlands doubled. Developing nations are by far the fastest expanding mobile markets, India’s 220 million mobile subscribers sent over a billion, a 300% rise on…
It’s Hammer Time: The Comcast Way
If ever you needed evidence that web 2.0 is reversing the balance of power into the hands of the consumer, then check out these videos and the www.comcastmustdie.com website. I’ve posted previously how the tide is changing & how companies need to be in there engaging with their customers and protecting their brands, companies ignoring…
Faceparty: A different approach to customer service
I was just reading a post “Jaw Droppers of 2008 – What they’d rather you forgot” on The Register where they recap the most embarasing moments from the past 12 months. The bit about an online community I’d never heard of before named Faceparty, and how they dealt out their customer service is priceless and…