Tag: Mobile

  • Livestation iPhone Beta Testing

    I spent the later part of this afternoon and some of this evening beta testing the Livestation iPhone App. It’s still early days and there’s some bugs that need ironing out, but it’s looking promising. For more info read this.

  • Get Mobile

    There’s great advantage of brevity, we all use our mobiles for communicating, for texting and now surfing the web. Your kids and grand-children, will be using mobile devices we’ve never dreamed of, and they’ll probably never see let alone use a computer, because they won’t exist… Sounds unlikely, well ask yourself this, you don’t expect…

  • Networking or Not Working

    In today’s 24/7 wired world of social networks, web 2.0 & mobile platforms, if you’re business is not networking then you’re not working! Do you have a group or page on a social network such as Facebook? Do you have a Twitter account? Do you have a Blog? Do you have a YouTube Channel? Do…