Tag: inspiration
Light Graffiti
Just saw these on the Telegraph website, some of the images are amazing! Created by Jan Wöllert and Jörg Miedza, plenty more examples on their website Light Art Performance Photography
Fun Feels Good
I saw this on Jodi’s Blog the other day and thought what a brilliant way of showing how approaching an issue in a new or fun way can have terrific results by engaging the user in a visceral experience (see Anne’s blog for more on that). What’s also interesting is that this is entirely a…
Do The Skate!?
That’s not a very nice thing to say about that girl… Oh what innocent times! 50 other examples of advertising in a bygone era here
New York at 300fps
I love the simplicity of this video and even though it has a U2 soundtrack, it still works really well at capturing the essence of New York. [vimeo 2910103]
New York at 300fps
I love the simplicity of this video and even though it has a U2 soundtrack, it still works really well at capturing the essence of New York. [vimeo 2910103]
Fifty People One Question
I first stumbled across this video a few months ago, and I can’t think why I didn’t post it here before. The concept is incredibly simple, stop 50 random passers by and ask them a simple single question, the video is beautifully shot and edited. And if the response at 3.23 doesn’t stop you in…
I saw this video posted on Mark Kragh’s (Founder of Know Your Planet) Facebook profile this morning and thought what a wonderful example for inspiration… proves that with the right motivation, mindset & determination, anything is possible! So next time you think something is too difficult or you’re getting frustrated with everything, remind yourself of…
I’ve never made a mistake in my life!
I was watching a film the other day and it had the following line… “A man learns nothing from winning, but the act of losing elicits great wisdom, not least of which is how much more enjoyable it is to win… it’s inevitable that you will lose from time to time, the trick is not…
What would you say?
On Triiibes the other day Chris Hopf from Pricingwire.com asked a really good question… “If you had only two sentences to share your most valuable business advice, what would those two sentences be ?” my answer: “Do well by doing good… it’s not about doing the thing right, it’s about doing the right thing“, keep…
A Balancing Act
In a recent post on Triiibes someone wrote “You Suck” as the title then went into how you shouldn’t be complacent & that there’s always someone out there, bigger, better & faster than you. This may well be, but beating yourself up and thinking you’re a pile of crap, isn’t a good approach or that…