Tag: infographic

  • The App Genome Project

    At the Black Hat Security Conference, Lookout unveiled the App Genome Project, which is the largest mobile application dataset ever created. In an ongoing effort to map and study mobile applications, the App Genome Project was created to identify security threats in the wild and provide insight into how applications are accessing personal data, as…

  • The 2010 Social Media Map

    This updated map is based on this by XKCD Flowtown for more data visualisation

  • Pulse of the Nation

    I love data visualisation, in fact I was given a wonderful book entitled “Information is Beautiful” by David McCandleless as a present a few days ago… anyway I just stumbled across this on Mashable The video shows the mood in the U.S., as inferred using over 300 million tweets, over the course of the day.…

  • It’s Time For Change

    Before I go any further I should inform you, that I’m entirely apolitical, I honestly couldn’t care less about politics, or which political party is in power, but I do believe in democracy, and care about equal rights and fairness As the Conservatives campaign slogan states “It’s Time For Change” And they’re not wrong, but…