Category: Future

  • Did You Know, Shift Happens

    As I’m a bit of a closet statistics junkie & as these videos have been bouncing around the web for the past 2-3 years, I thought I’d compile a post with some of the best. Did You Know? 3.0 (Official Video) -2009 Edition [youtube=] Did You Know 4.0 [youtube=] Did You Know 4.0 (Convergence) [youtube=]…

  • Associated Media vs Social Media

    I don’t think the term “Social Media” is applicable anymore, fair enough it evolved from the early online community sites, but the term now encompasses virtually all manner of web 2.0, blogs, data aggregation services etc, most of which have nothing to do with being social, so it’s much more than a way to connect…

  • The Social Media Revolution Fad

    As I’ve re-quoted before “Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital“ Aaron Levenstein This video makes compelling reading/watching, but read between the lines, there’s more to this than meets the eye, major changes are unfolding in the social media environment, information/data/ID aggregation is becoming the new hot…

  • Wave Goodbye to Closed Networks

    Google said they’d have something interesting to demo at the Google IO Dev Conference, oh boy they weren’t kidding… Hello to Google Waves! The Video below is 1.5hrs long, but it’s worth a look, as this will change everything. I’ve been harping on for ages about data aggregation & building open platforms without walls, with…

  • Macworld 2009: Apple Introduces The MacBook Wheel

    In a keynote presentation to end all keynote presentations, Phil Schiller replaced Steve Jobs to introduce the revolutionary MacBook Wheel. Watch the video for more information. [vodpod id=Groupvideo.1939851&w=425&h=350&] more about “Apple Introduces Revolutionary New La…“, posted with vodpod

  • Time for Facebook to Face the Facts

    Nick Burcher added a post on his blog about Facebook Usage Statistics for 2008 which made me think about something I mentioned a few weeks ago, as I noticed within Facebook’s top 21 only India & Hong Kong appear for the whole of Asia! Where’s China, Japan, Indonesia etc? Nick’s stats are interesting, but they’re…

  • In the future You Tube will simply add their adverts seamlessly to your videos!

    OK maybe not, but by the looks of this, it might not be that far fetched an idea, or that long before they can! [youtube=] If you thought that was cool, have you met Emily yet?

  • I hear there’s a recession, but I’ve decided not to take part

    At the end of 2007 I sold two of my companies, vision360 & ezpresenter, to the Cordovan Group, with the new company becoming Cordovan Digital (where I’m currently a Board Director). We’ve had a pretty good year, highest turnover & profits of our previous 10 year history, so I can’t say fairer than that. Of…

  • Livestation iPhone Beta Testing

    I spent the later part of this afternoon and some of this evening beta testing the Livestation iPhone App. It’s still early days and there’s some bugs that need ironing out, but it’s looking promising. For more info read this.

  • Unsocial Networks: Or why Facebook has got it wrong as Open Social is the Future

    It’s 5am and the dawn chorus has started in my back garden, but I don’t mind, as it got me thinking (which is sometimes a bad thing), so I’m wide awake now! The future for social networks is portability, I want the same freedoms online that I have in the real world, I want to…