Category: Future
In the future You Tube will simply add their adverts seamlessly to your videos!
OK maybe not, but by the looks of this, it might not be that far fetched an idea, or that long before they can! [youtube=] If you thought that was cool, have you met Emily yet?
I hear there’s a recession, but I’ve decided not to take part
At the end of 2007 I sold two of my companies, vision360 & ezpresenter, to the Cordovan Group, with the new company becoming Cordovan Digital (where I’m currently a Board Director). We’ve had a pretty good year, highest turnover & profits of our previous 10 year history, so I can’t say fairer than that. Of…
Livestation iPhone Beta Testing
I spent the later part of this afternoon and some of this evening beta testing the Livestation iPhone App. It’s still early days and there’s some bugs that need ironing out, but it’s looking promising. For more info read this.