Category: Fun
Creating Software With a Soul
I’ve been asked a few times before to explain the difference between UI & UX, but I think this amusing little video says it perfectly “Creating Software with a Soul” by Lyle
Forget Fish, Get Fired!
Build a man a fire & he’ll be warm for a day… set a man on fire & he’ll be warm for the rest of his life!
Breaking The Rules
Rules of Grammar: A double negative is a no no
You Get What You Pay For
I know this has been floating around for a while, but looking at it again this morning I thought I should share it in case anyone missed it first time round. You can apply this to most things in life, you get what you pay for, if you pay peanuts, don’t be surprised when you…
Keepin’ It Real
I saw this cartoon posted on Phil’s Unionversity Website yesterday… as the founder of no paper I simply had to repost it, plus I thought it was genius. There’s plenty of other great cartoons on the site more at poorly drawn lines you should follow me on Twitter here
It’s Time to Throw in the Tau
I generally keep this to myself, but I’m actually a bit of a maths geek at heart… Hey, where are you going? come back here… don’t worry I’m not about to bore you with loads of maths I promise. Today is Tau day, 28th June, although you have to use that weird back to front…
Fotoshop by Adobé
This is a genius piece of self promotion by Jesse Rosten “pro-pixel intensifying fauxtanical hydro-jargon micro bead extract infused with nutrive volumizing technology will leave your face virtually unrecognisable… My skin feels like plastic!” thanks to Unionversity for posting this first
Looks like Apple are about to shake up and dominate another unsuspecting industry with the release of iWater… I guess in this instance the name iH2O wouldn’t work, as that would indicate adding iodine to the mix, not a good idea! Check out Scoopertino for more info you should follow me on Twitter