Category: Tech Stuff

  • iPhone Still Plagued by Dropped Calls

    iPhone survives falling out of a skydivers pocket at 13,500 feet! (that’s 2.5miles!) CNN report

  • Any Idea What This Means?

    all I know is that I’ve lost almost a week of work… or about 100hrs of effort! (yes I work long days) It’s what I was greeted with this afternoon, when I rebooted my Mac and opened an Illustrator file I’ve been working on since 23rd May (Yes almost two months!). Thankfully I’m religious about…

  • Old School Marker Pen for Your iPad

    The instant these things hit the shelf, I’m buying a couple! They’ll work brilliantly with our no paper iPad app (which is also coming soon!) [vimeo 24686042] Scribbly

  • You’re Gonna Love This

    With Facebook you can “like” something, but with Google you can love it (I wonder how long it will be before McDonald’s sues them?) It’s not officially launched yet, but try it out for yourself What do you love? You should follow me on Twitter here

  • More Choices, More Power, More Magic?

    I never realised text input could be so dramatic! Does it really warrant the Hans Zimmer-esq, Mission Impossible/Bourne Identity score, as per this promo video? And as to the strap line, “More Choices, More Power, More Magic” mmmm I think not… although no worse than Stroke it and Poke it!!! [youtube]

  • Magic… There’s an App for That

    [youtube] Marco Tempest

  • Olloclip iPhone Lens Adapter

    The Olloclip is a simple idea that’s destined to sell incredibly well. With everyone predominately taking photos with their mobile phone, and with the iPhone being the out and out winner in terms of Flickr uploads, the Olloclip adds a wide angle and super wide fish eye lens to your iPhone, plus it has a…

  • Have a Camper Day

    I just stumbled across a video of the Have a Camper Day iPad / iPhone app. It’s gorgeous here today in London (far too nice for me to be stuck in doors working, but needs must!)… anyway this app would brighten up the gloomiest of days, and by the look of the forecast I might…

  • Paper Résumés Don’t Cut it Anymore

    When applying for  a creative position, presenting a well designed résumé is a given, but it’s not enough, you need to be creative, you need to make an impression, be unforgettable… That’s what Victor Petit set out to do… and yes he got the job! [vimeo] You should follow me on twitter

  • It’s Official, The iPad2, Gives You Wood

    I’d seen the Miniot iPhone covers, and while very nice (I do love wood), they weren’t really my thing, plus I don’t have a cover on my iPhone anyway… but my iPad is another story. I just stumbled upon this video on Engadget, it almost makes me want to go out and buy an iPad…