Category: Not What You Think
Brands Build Character – Character Builds Brands
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. What branding expert said that? Abraham Lincoln of course???
what’s the f’in diffference?
here’s a great quote, unfortunately I don’t know who said it… “I wish to do something Great & Wonderful, but I must first start by doing the small things like they are great & wonderful” As I’ve posted previously, don’t become indifferent to your customers or clients, you could lose them not only because you…
Le Roi est Mort
In my Digital Brand Protection days, I had a presentation based around ROI, but it had a twist, as on the last slide I revealed I hadn’t been referring to “Return On Investment” as everybody thought, but “Risk Of Investment” that got their attention! Upon jumping back & going through the presentation again, the audience…
Don’t Project Ideas, Reflect Solutions
If you’re a real consultant you appreciate that you’re clients are the experts in their area of business, not you. Listen to what they have to say, understand their needs, focus on their problems. That way, your solution will be a reflection of their needs, not a projection of your ideas.
The Genius of Being Lazy
If you have a hard task to do, give it to a lazy person, as they will always find the simplest way to do it with the least amount of effort… now that’s genius!
Resigned To The Fact
This post was originally written on the 1st April, but I couldn’t post it until today, and believe me, it’s no April’s Fool. Today is the 1st of April… the dreaded “R” word raised it’s ugly head today, no not recession, the other one, redundancy. I heard from two more friends, that they were made…
It’s Evolution Baby
Revolution vs Evolution? Revolutions stand out, they get noticed, people talk about them, (they’re remarkable so to speak), but not everyone wants to be part of a revolution, they’re dangerous, noisy, violent places, where people get hurt… the old guard want to keep things the way they were, they’re happy, they’re comfortable with what they…
You Looking For Trouble?
Concentrate on the problem, not the solution, when you fully understand the problem, the solution will come. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be thinking about the solution or perfecting it, but unless you really understand the problem you’re trying to solve, how can you perfect a solution? you could be working on the wrong stuff.…
All Those That Say Aye
We’ve all been there, sitting in a meeting wondering “Why am I here exactly?” If you’re asking yourself, what’s the point of all this, what’s the outcome? Then your meeting will be a complete failure (for you at least), so stop now! Don’t confuse the purpose of an agenda, it isn’t there as a check…
All Those That Say Aye
We’ve all been there, sitting in a meeting wondering “Why am I here exactly?” If you’re asking yourself, what’s the point of all this, what’s the outcome? Then your meeting will be a complete failure (for you at least), so stop now! Don’t confuse the purpose of an agenda, it isn’t there as a check…