Category: Drivel

  • Who Trusts You With Their Name

    This was originally written Wednesday 1st December. I’m currently on my way to Heathrow Airport… I received a phone 4hrs ago, I had no idea at the time that it would result in my being in Lisbon this evening. I won’t go into details, suffice to say, a colleague I’ve not seen in ages, has…

  • A Bitter Pill

    A week ago I purchased Malaria tablets online, unfortunately my GP got the amounts wrong on the prescription, he made it out for 24 tablets but I need 36, so he made an additional prescription today for 12 tablets, but I’m flying this evening, so there’s not enough time to order more online. So I…

  • Linked In or Locked Out?

    I’m not a regular user of Linked in, but I decided to update my profile a couple of days ago and use the service to see if I could find some old contacts I’ve not been in touch with for ages by importing my various address books, 5 minutes later I had 300 plus recommendations,…

  • Can’t Find the Right Word? No Excuse Anymore

    I have to admit that I’m a bit of a word nerd… I love discovering the origination of words of the English language, so there’s an advantage of being a native speaker of the world’s largest vocabulary, there’s over 600,000 words in English, to put that in perspective, there’s just over 100,000 in French! Some…

  • Dude Where’s My Bike… erm… Up There

    As someone that loves to ride my bike around London, although a bit nippy at the mo… plus hesitant to leave my classic 18 year old Marin chained to a fence somewhere in case some little Tea Leaf takes a shine to it and wants to take it home, I just love this idea! THe…

  • Air BnB

    I was in Boston for a Medical Conference last week, but I wanted to stay on for a few days as I’d not been in Boston for almost 15 years, but I’m not a great fan of faceless hotel chains, so jumped on Google to see what I could find, then I stumbled on AirBnB,…

  • The Boston Beer Party

    I’m sorry America, I owe you an apology (but it’s one I’m happy to give) I’ve been back and forth to the States for more years than I care to remember, but it wasn’t until 3 or 4 years ago when I was in Washington and I had the good fortune to knock back a…

  • 8Bit Halloween Costume

    I know Halloween has been and gone, but what a brilliant DIY costume! more info

  • Facebook Mobile Event

    So what will MZ of Facebook be announcing in less than an hour?  Hopefully an iPhone app that’s worth using!

  • David Hockney iPad Sketches Exhibition

    David Hockney has been a fan of the iPhone and iPad for sometime, having replaced his paper sketch pad with them. Over the past year Hockney has produced over 300 sketches, some of which will be on display at his Flesh Flowers exhibition in Paris. “The great thing about it, is the distribution of the…