Category: Drivel
The World’s Aging Population
You may have worked out by now that I’m a statistics and infographics junkie… so here is a brilliantly executed interactive infographic that highlights the predicted age by percentage of various nations… as you will see, Japan, South Korea and Italy will have a very different looking population by 2050, compared to today by Fathom…
Stunning HDR Video
No doubt you’ve seen plenty of HDR (High Dynamic Range) photos on the web, if you’re not sure what I’m talking about type HDR into Google, but how may HDR videos have you seen, not many I’m sure. Due to nature of how HDR images are created, making a video is difficult and very time consuming, but…
Park Chan-wook is Hooked on iPhone 4
I’m a fan of Park Chan-wook work, I think his vengeance trilogy of “Sympathy for Mr Vengeance”, “Old Boy” & “Lady Vengeance” are fantastic films, I appreciate they’re not to everbody’s taste, they are very dark in nature, but they certainly make you sit up and think. Now he’s done something rather different, well for…
What is Being Creative?
[vimeo 18079655] creativity is no longer a word reserved for the musician or artist it’s something you can find in anyone it’s the ability and urge to make something of value it can be big it can be small but making something new something different something that surprises something that makes you think something that…
A friend posted the BMX video below on Facebook yesterday, all shot with a Canon 7D at 30fps, but with clever use of After Effects, notably the Twixtor plugin and a little 3D particle animation, this guy has created something incredible. I looked up the slo-mo filter he used and found numerous examples, but one…
It’s Not Just a Matter of Perspective
Usually when entrepreneurs start a business, they’re careful when it comes to expanding and appointing new employees, everything is risky, money is probably tight, but the workload is becoming too much, how do they decide when to employ someone else. Friends and families often help out to start, but eventually these favours can no longer…
Hey Man, You Wanna Buy Some Tabs?
Is there a single large electronics company NOT announcing a Tablet at CES this year? I’ve read about 20 so far and the numbers keep growing! There’s dual screens (NEC Cloud Communicator, not good), one with a coloured e-ink display (Pocket Book Mirasol, I’m really interested in that one!), one using a LED / eInk…