Category: Drivel

  • Gulp

    Having created the worlds smallest stop motion animation entitled Dot, Nokia set Sumo Science of Aardman the task of creating the worlds largest stop motion animation, the result is entitled “Gulp” [youtube] the making of Gulp [youtube] you should follow me on twitter here

  • Fan or a Mug?

    I got a lovely surprise in the post today! So I thought I’d tell you about it while I supped my tea. I received a mug… but not just any old mug, this one has writing on it, it reads “The person who reads my blog sent me this mug” I’d forgotten I’d had that…

  • Let Sleeping Lions Lie

    I admit that I’m not one to shy away from hitting the install button and crossing my fingers (although I do always make a thorough back up… I’ve been using computers long enough to know that!) So I took the plunge, I paid my £20 to Apple for OS X 10.7, or in Marketing Speak,…

  • Any Idea What This Means?

    all I know is that I’ve lost almost a week of work… or about 100hrs of effort! (yes I work long days) It’s what I was greeted with this afternoon, when I rebooted my Mac and opened an Illustrator file I’ve been working on since 23rd May (Yes almost two months!). Thankfully I’m religious about…

  • The Blog Icon 45,000 Downloads and Counting!

    Ever since I created the blog icon I’ve been pleasantly surprised  by where I’ve discovered it’s been used and encouraged by the responses I’ve received from those that have downloaded it and are using it. In April this year web designer Mark Hesketh wrote a blog post about the blog icon… a couple of weeks ago…

  • Have a Camper Day

    I just stumbled across a video of the Have a Camper Day iPad / iPhone app. It’s gorgeous here today in London (far too nice for me to be stuck in doors working, but needs must!)… anyway this app would brighten up the gloomiest of days, and by the look of the forecast I might…

  • Paper Résumés Don’t Cut it Anymore

    When applying for  a creative position, presenting a well designed résumé is a given, but it’s not enough, you need to be creative, you need to make an impression, be unforgettable… That’s what Victor Petit set out to do… and yes he got the job! [vimeo] You should follow me on twitter

  • How To Write A Manifesto

    Discovered on Swissmiss you should follow me on twitter here

  • Radiation Dose Chart

    Just saw this infographic on the XKCD blog about radiation dosage, it’s fascinating… plus I never knew that about Banana phones, think I’ll stick with my iPhone for now! More info here at XKCD you should follow me on twitter here

  • Joliena Jol-enX (WTF!)

    WTF is this all about… I thought Usavich was strange, but this is beyond words! Joliena Jol-enX [youtube] Usavich [youtube] Kanaban Studios you should follow me on twitter here