Category: Drivel
Don’t Have Regrets
[vimeo 27582815 width=”500″] If you recognise yourself in this video, change your life! (oh and look out for banana skins) “Never regret… if it’s good, it’s wonderful, if it’s bad, it’s experience” – Victoria Holt “A man is not old until regrets take place of his dreams” – John Barrymore “Twenty years from now you will be…
Thinking Differently from 1955 to 2011
Here’s to the Crazy One. The misfit. The rebel. The troublemaker. The round peg in the square hole. The One Who Saw Things Differently. He wasn’t fond of rules. And he had no respect for the status quo. You can quote him, disagree with him, glorify or vilify him. About the only thing you can’t…
New Truth
I was having a conversation just now and it reminded me of a sketch from the BBC Three animated series entitled Monkey Dust In this sketch the Advertising Agency Labia, are pitching “New Truth” to a Government Ministry that has to deliver some bad news! “By reclassifying things that aren’t entirely bad as things that…
eBooks Are For Weirdos
According to a new survey by Harris Interactive 1 in 6 Americans now use an eReader with 1 in 6 likely to purchase one within the next 6 months. That’s 15%, which is almost double what it was this time last year, 8%. Also eBook readers purchase more books and read on average more than paper…
iPad Movie Mount
I’ve posted info on iPhone mounts and lenses previously (Glif, Owle, Olloclip, SLR adapter) but this is a first, an iPad 2 mount! This has been really well thought through, and at $70 / €50 it’s not a bad price either. More info at Makayama [youtube]
What were the chances of that happening!! Some would say it’s a sign, “Double Rainbow, what does it all mean?” Others will tell me to do the lottery today, some won’t even notice and will have to have another look at the image above… as for me, oh it’s just coincidence, but freaky nonetheless! (although…
Keep Calm and Carry On With no paper
As the saying goes “sh!t happens!” The recent spate of rioting, looting and arson in the UK will cost the taxpayer millions, plus business and household insurance premiums will rise as insurance companies cover their loses. The large businesses will bounce back and continue to operate, but smaller businesses will have a much harder time…
Keep Calm and Riot On
The designer in me couldn’t resist! You should follow me on Twitter
London Riots: Looting by Organised Crime
While London was ablaze last night so was Twitter with #londonriots, not that any of it was worth reading, mostly knee jerk reactions saying, we need the army on the streets, oh I’m ashamed to be from the UK, if the police can’t handle this what about the Olympics, bring out the water cannons, use…
You’re Nicked!
Yesterday @brandshandy nicked my post about the Gulp Stop Motion Animation (their words not mine!) “Gulp stop-animation shot with a Nokia N8: original article via @brendanmitchell (but we nicked it for BS)” Of course they didn’t actually nick anything, they stumbled across my tweet, clicked the link, thought, “Oow that’s nice, worthy of our own blog”, and simply…