Category: Drivel

  • The Bark Side

    Chewbacca’s my favourite

  • Fotoshop by Adobé

    This is a genius piece of self promotion by Jesse Rosten “pro-pixel intensifying fauxtanical hydro-jargon micro bead extract infused with nutrive volumizing technology will leave your face virtually unrecognisable… My skin feels like plastic!” thanks to Unionversity for posting this first

  • Makes You Think Doesn’t It?

    So switch off your computer, go outside and do something!

  • Facebook Timeline Photoshop Template

    Facebook timelines have now gone mainstream, as you can see from the screen grab of mine below, you can play around with the top image however you please. This top graphic is 849 x 312 pixels, with the small square being 180×180 (although this gets scaled down to 125 x 125. But rather than you…

  • The Web Icon

    A couple of years ago I needed a blog icon, realising there wasn’t a universally accepted one in existence, I created one to use for myself and threw it out into the world for anyone to use… it became far more popular than I ever expected, averaging 45,000 downloads a year! A couple of months…

  • There Can Be Only One!

    aha, I got a few responses/questions to my post last week about the death of email, so thought I’d explain it a little clearer. Email may be being used less and less but we need email addresses, as they’re the most widely used open standard that we can use to uniquely identify ourselves on the…

  • Email Est Mort, Vive Le Email

    I’ve been pondering the longevity of email for the past few years, wondering whether it’s time was numbered due to the ease and rise of messaging and social networks. And I’m certainly not the only one that’s considered this, there’s been plenty of opinions and debates about this online. Mark Zuckerberg said email was dead…

  • Hello World… Ahem, Hello Carrier IQ

    How would you feel if your every location, keystroke, button push, SMS, URL and Web search you made on your mobile was monitored, read and stored by a piece of factory pre-installed software that automatically sends it to a company you’ve never heard of, plus this software cannot be switched off or removed? AKA a…

  • Too Much of a Good Thing

    Here’s a great article from Smashing Magazine on “improving customer experience by limiting choice.” It’s an issue I’ve encounter numerous times, when a client thinks they are doing me a favour by giving me an open brief, as in reality there’s no worse type of brief to get! So I’ve often said “Give me the flexibility…

  • Earth

    There’s not much I can say except… watch this, you won’t regret it [vimeo 32001208 width=”600″] full screen version